Child Labor Paragraph for class 5 /6 /7 /8 / 9 /SSC/ HSC | Essay on Child Labor

Essay On Child Labor –

Introduction: Bangladesh, in South Asia is a poverty-stricken country. Hence arises the necessity of working people.

Bangladesh, in South Asia, is a poverty-stricken country. Hence arises the necessity of working people.

Ill-future of the children: Unfortunately, compared with a few years of age children are being engaged in various types of activities Including domestic labor. They are also being engaged even risky works like welding, lifting excessive weight things, making carrying and burning bricks. But very surprisingly they ai ruthlessly victimized of low rewards, lack of love and affection a deprivation of other facilities. The attention of researchers an advocates of children’s rights is primarily focused on exploitation abuses and discrimination faced/suffered by child laborers who are deplorable and obvious contravention to their rights set out in 1989. The United Nations Conventions on the child rights in the supplementary convention in the abolition of slavery, stave trad and institution and practices to the slavery of 1956. Especially in the non-industrialized and developing countries like ours where job-opportunities are limited. The number of child labor is increasing in an alarming way.

Child-rights: Needless to mention that there is a lot of legislation both in the national and international arena to protect the child's rights. In developing countries, the existing laws are implemented once in a blue moon. The key reason behind this is that political will is very weak. There are a few numbers of legislation in Bangladesh regarding child labor and their rights. Under the lubrication of article 28(4) of the constitution, the country must make special provisions for ensuring/establishing the welfare of children and women and the advancement of the backward section of citizens. Besides these constitutional provisions, there is a great number of laws of protection of children’s rights against their unlawful labor. The employment of children Act of 1938 and 1953, the factory act of 1965; the plantation labor ordinance of 1962, Shops and Establishment Act of 1965 etc are there in the constitution. Under the Factory Act of 1979, the young boys shall not be employed to work at the power presses milling machines.

Rules of law:
There are some rules of laws against child labor, besides the mentioned laws, there are a lot of standards which are directly or indirectly applicable to the protection of children’s rights. In addition to the 1989 convention on the rights of a child includes The United Nations Conventions against slavery (1926 and 1956) especially applicable for those children who are working as domestic workers; the International Convention Rights (1996) and 1970 respectively.

Children’s earning: Unfortunately, in spite of all these arrangements and existing laws of the land regarding the child labor issue, his/her right seems to be nothing but a myth. However, let alone the national legal reformation lack of enforcement and failure to implement existing legal legisțation at all levels from the enforcement agencies to the judiciary is the main reason behind increasing the number of child labor. Many a time poverty compels them to undergo hard labor on the question of their existence. The driven away children fly to this section. They are found selling flowers to the passers-by in the streets under the standing command or guidance of a harder for a single handful of rice.

The govt.’s steps:
The solvent people as well as the existing govt. should come forward to provide the poorest section of children with suited works in exchange for a reasonable wage. Where is the whole world has taken the commitment to establish children’s rights and groom them as worthy citizens to face the challenges and undoubtedly it should be restrained to the regular sense. This is the high time to implement the existing laws and not to confine them in policy declaration. Simultaneously, it is the country’s duty to ensure them for the betterment of the children. The full enjoyment provided in the constitutional laws and other legislative bodies should be implemented.

: Child labor is a curse. It should be banned with an iron hand. Yet it is obvious as the light of the day that unless and until we can give the assurance of the basic necessities of all children in their childhood, it will be impossible to stop/prevent child labor.


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